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Monday, September 12, 2011

Two Door Cinema Club + Bombay Bicycle Club

Earlier this month Bombay Bicycle Club and Two Door Cinema Club joined forces to kick off their North American Tour and one of the first stops they made was in the wonderful city of brotherly love, Philadelphia.  After discovering BBC last year they were automatically added to my *artist to watch* list so you can only imagine the excitement seeping through my pores the moment I found out about this.  Considering the fact that Two Door Cinema Club completely blew my mind at their last show in Philly back in February, I was pretty stoked to see them too. Washington natives Lonely Forest opened the show and their catchy up beat performance reeled us all in so quickly, you would've swore they were the headlining act. Great guys...great performance!

Up next was Bombay Bicycle Club.  During the show this drunken girl standing next to me kept screaming at the top of her lungs how much she loved them which honestly excited me even more.  I screamed so loud when they came out and for the rest of their performance all I could do was smile and soak it all in.  Alright alright a few screeches escaped my system here and there but for the most part I was more focused on enjoying the show.  They opened with some of their greatest hits off of 'I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose'.  Tracks like What If, Always Like This, Evening/Morning, and Cancel on Me brought back so many college memories.  They threw in a couple of new tracks as well from A Different Kind of Fix which warmed my heart to a simmering 100 degrees.  How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep is and will always be an all time favorite. Who knew a song without a chorus could be so tantalizing?  Now as much as I love this band I do have one critique.  Jack's voice is known for its unique light refreshing tone but live (at least for this performance) I think it was drowned out a bit by...well everything.  The combination of the crowd, the drums, and the bass kind of made it hard to hear him which killed it a bit for me because I love his voice.  Overall, still a great performance though!

Now for the big shabang! As headliners of the tour Two Door Cinema Club closed out the show.  Judging by the crazy intense roar that erupted from the underbellies of the crowd I think it's safe to say that most people in attendance were there to see TDCC.  They played every song from their debut album 'Tourist History' from beginning to end in sequential order.  Their vivacious performance kept us all pumped, energized, and ready for more.  The most exciting songs live for me would definitely have to be I Can Talk and This Is The Life.  They also played a couple of new songs from their upcoming album as well as a few old unreleased tracks.

At the end of the night I was in complete awe of all three bands.  They all brought something different to the table with the same amount of effortless energy.  As icing on the cake everyone, and I do mean everyone, broke out in dance to the throwback jam of Hall & Oats' You Make My Dreams Come True.  During this jam session all I could think of was the dance scene with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in (500) Days of Summer. What a classic way to end the night!

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